55th Annual Harvest Moon Regatta
South Port Sailing Club invites all sailboats to to participate

September 21st, 2024
Notice of Race Excerpts (for print ▼)
Venue & Organizing Authority
South Port Sailing Club
210 Brighton Road
Tecumseh, Ontario N8N 2L3
(519) 979 SPSC
SPSC Racing Director & Event Organizer ..... John Marentette (spsc.racing.director@gmail.com)
Excerpts from the NoR: 1. Rules
- The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).
- The SPSC Members Code of Conduct and Safe Sport Policy apply — see the SPSC By-Laws Handbook.
Excerpts from the NoR: 2. Eligibility and Entry
- The regatta is open to pre-registered boats of the PHRF-Spinnaker, PHRF-JOG or Shark classes
- Other classes are welcome to their own start with a minimum of 3 boats, at the discretion of the Organizer.
- In a PHRF (JOG or Spinnaker) class, a boat must either:
- have been rated by the Essex County PHRF Association (ECPA), MidwestPHRF, or other local North American PHRF station and have an equivalent rating on file at ECPA.
- Otherwise, SPSC RC will unilaterally provide a reasonable PHRF rating.
- Competing boats must have VHF radios capable of transmitting and receiving CH16 and CH69.
- Eligible boats must pre-register by completing the SPSC Harvest Moon Registration on-line at https://racing.southportsailingclub.com/racing.html.
Excerpts from the NoR: 3. Fees
- Registration fees will be $30/boat, payable on the day of the regatta.
- Registration includes post-race chili, and beer (as long as it lasts). Additional tickets are available for $5/each.
- Registration includes use of the SPSC drysail crane if required. (SPSC members to assist/operate.)
- Registration includes free assigned dockage at SPSC for competitors from Friday Sept 20 to Sunday Sept 22. Please contact SPSC Harbourmaster if a longer stay is needed.
Excerpts from the NoR: 4. Schedule
- The race will be Saturday Sept 21st. First warning signal
no earlier than 2pmat 1530. - SI’s will be available no later than 5pm Thursday Sept 19, and posted on-line and at the SPSC bulletin board.
Excerpts from the NoR: 5. Course
- Racing will be around a long-distance, Lake St Clair course as per Sailing Instructions.
Excerpts from the NoR: 6. Penalty System
- RRS 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.
Excerpts from the NoR: 7. Scoring
- PHRF racing per ToT handicapping.
- Finishes will be listed on the SPSC event website, and the SPSC Bulletin Board after the regatta.
Excerpts from the NoR: 8. Prizes
- Minimum of one prize for every class, per 3 boats competing.
- SPSC perpetual trophies for the First to Finish, Best Corrected and First Shark to Finish.
- Prizes to be awarded at SPSC, after the regatta.
Excerpts from the NoR: 9. Disclaimer of Liability
- Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to Race.
- The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury, or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
Excerpts from the NoR: 10. Insurance
- Each participating boat shall be insured with valid and sufficient third-party liability insurance.