SPSC 2016 Spring & Fall Thursday-Night Series
Thursday (Practice May 12th) May 19th thru June 30th
Thursday (Practice Aug. 4th) Aug. 11th thru Sept. 22nd
Relevant Information
Notice of Race
Sailing Instructions
Online Spring Series Scratch Sheet
Online Spring Series Results
Online Fall Series Scratch Sheet
Online Fall Series Results
Notice of Race (for print)
Venue & Organizing Authority
South Port Sailing Club
210 Brighton Road
Tecumseh, Ontario N8N 2L3
(519) 979 SPSC
SPSC Racing Director & Series Chairman ..... Darcy Fuller
2016 Series Calendar

- Practice Race
- Thursday May 12th
- Spring Series
- next 7 consecutive Thursdays
- Practice Race
- Thursday August 4th
- Fall Series
- next 7 consecutive Thursdays
Only the Spring and Fall Series are covered in this Notice of Race. Both series will be scored separately and then combined to score the Club Series Championship.
These series will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
Sailing Instructions
The Sailing Instructions and any additional documents are available either in the clubhouse or downloadable from this web site. Any changes to the Notice of Race will be incorporated into this online version and posted as a notice to competitors..
The official notice board is in the clubhouse's enclosed porch. Notices will be mirrored on the web site within 24 hours of being posted.
Classes to Race
Races will be sailed according to Essex County PHRF Rules except that there are no minimum crew limits.
There will be a single JOG class.
The PHRF class may be divided into PHRF A, B & C. The RC will post a notice of splits before the first race.
Class Flag & Pennant | ||
JOG | White | |
PHRF C | Blue | |
PHRF B | Green | |
PHRF A | Yellow |
Class Flags
Class pennants are to be flown from the backstay.
Time-on-Time Handicapping
Corrected times will be calculated using time-on-time handicapping
Corrected Time ∝ Elapsed Time ÷ (PHRF Handicap + 557s/mi.)
Please complete the online registration form as early as possible.
Start Times
The first warning signal will be at 1845.
Racing Area
Mark | Latitude | Longitude |
O | 42º20.937'N | 82º50.873'W |
1 | 42º21.473'N | 82º50.320'W |
2 | 42º21.027'N | 82º49.969'W |
3 | 42º20.528'N | 82º50.148'W |
4 | 42º20.269'N | 82º50.752'W |
5 | 42º20.401'N | 82º51.426'W |
6 | 42º20.847'N | 82º51.777'W |
7 | 42º21.346'N | 82º51.598'W |
8 | 42º21.605'N | 82º50.994'W |
The racing area shall be centred at Mark O, 1.45 miles due magnetic north from outside the Pike Creek channel on Lake St. Clair. Marks are 0.675 nautical miles from the centre mark and arrayed in a regular octagon with mark 8 pinned to magnetic north (using magnetic variation of 7.66ºW).
Marks are white can buoys --- even numbered can buoys have an orange top.
Courses will be modified olympic.
Participation Requirements
In any South Port Sailing Club event in 2016, boats must come out to at least half of the completed races in a series or regatta to be eligible for an award.
Within each class, the Club Series Championship sums the results of the Spring and Fall Thursday-Night series. To be eligible for this award a boat must be
- entered by a South Port Sailing Club member
- eligible for an award in the same class in both series
- eligible for an award in any class in any other SPSC hosted series or regatta.
Prizes Awarded | Participants in Division |
1st | 3 or more |
1st & 2nd | 5 or more |
1st, 2nd & 3rd | 7 or more |
Spring and Fall Thursday-Night Series Flags, Club Series Championship Flags and Perpetual Trophies will be awarded in each class. They will be presented at the Awards Banquet.
Results | |||
2015 | Spring | Fall | Championship |
2014 | Spring | Fall | Championship |
2013 | Spring | Fall | Championship |
2012 | Spring | Fall | Championship |