SPSC 60th Annual Invitational Regatta
Saturday July 8th
Notice of Race Excerpts (complete NoR for print ▼)
Venue & Organizing Authority
South Port Sailing Club
210 Brighton Road
Tecumseh, Ontario N8N 2L3
(519) 979 SPSC
Event Organizer ..... John Marentette
Excerpts from the NoR: 1 Rules
The event will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).
Excerpts from the NoR: 2 Sailing Instructions
The Sailing Instructions ▼ (SI’s) will be available no later than noon on July 5th.
Any changes to the SI’s will be posted on the SPSC Noticeboard in the clubhouse sunroom.
Excerpts from the NoR: 3 Communication
All boats must carry a VHF radio capable of communicating on Channels 16 and 69.
Courtesy broadcasts may be made to competitors on Channel 69.
Excerpts from the NoR: 4 Eligibility and Entry
The event is open to all boats with PHRF ratings. A current valid measurement certificate or rating certificate is not required. This changes rule RRS78.1.
Essex County PHRF Association Rules association rules are in effect, except that there are no minimum crew requirement.
Boats wishing to participate must register for the event in advance, using the South Port Sailing Club registration portal. Boats register online at www.southportsailingclub.com .
Excerpts from the NoR: 5 Fees
$35 per boat, (payable at SPSC Welcome Desk), which includes 2 food tickets.
Early registrations received before July 1st, will reduce entry fee to $25.
Additional food tickets will be available at SPSC for $10/person.
Excerpts from the NoR: 6 Schedule
- Saturday July 1st
- Early registration ends.
- Wed July 5th
- SI’s are posted online and at SPSC
- Friday July 7th
- 6PM – 8PM
- Welcoming out-of-club boats to SPSC.
- Saturday, July 8th, 2023
- 8AM – 10AM
- Welcoming out-of-club boats to SPSC.
- 10:30AM
- Skippers meeting at SPSC Clubhouse porch.
- Noon
- 1st warning signal on race course.
- …
- Food, fellowship and awards to follow racing at SPSC.
- Best “presented” boat (pre-race subjective judging)
- Best-dressed crew (pre & post-race subjective judging)
- Best apres-race cocktail (after-race subjective judging)
Excerpts from the NoR: 7 Venue and Courses
This event will be held on Lake St Clair.
The course will be a single long-distance race. Details of actual course to be sailed, will be as per SI’s.
Start and finish line will be between the SPSC mark 4, and the mast on the SPSC RC boat.
Fleet splits/starts, (based on PHRF ratings, and/or single/double-handed, and/or one-design fleets) to be decided based on regatta registrations and will be announced in the SI’s.
Excerpts from the NoR: 8 Berthing
Overnight dockage for non-SPSC boats will be assigned by SPSC Harbourmaster as requested, and pending availability.
Excerpts from the NoR: 9 Risk Statement
As per RRS3, ‘the responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue to race is hers alone’. Each competitor must agree that sailing is a potentially dangerous activity with inherent risks, including strong winds and unexpected changes in weather, boat failures, injury, and possible death due to drowning, trauma, hypothermia or other causes. Further, in an effort to adhere to the highest standards of competitive behaviour, and in keeping with new guidelines published by Ontario Sailing Association, no bullying, physically or verbally aggressive, or disrespectful behaviour will be tolerated from any skipper or crew from any boat participating in the Regatta, regardless of if they are SPSC members or not.
Excerpts from the NoR: 10 Insurance
Each participating boat shall be insured with a valid 3rd party liability insurance, with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per incident or equivalent.
Excerpts from the NoR: 11 Prizes
Flags will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers on corrected time.
Prizes will be awarded for:
Previous Years' Results | |||||||
2022 for PHRF C & JOG | 2022 for Melges | ||||||
2021 impromptu | 2020 racers' | ||||||
2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 |
2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 |
Archived Pages | |||||
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |