2017 Monday-Night Series

(Practice May 8th) May 15th thru Sept. 25th

Notice of Race (for print )

Venue & Organizing Authority

South Port Sailing Club
210 Brighton Road
Tecumseh, Ontario N8N 2L3
(519) 979 SPSC

SPSC Racing Director & Series Chairman ..... Darcy Fuller

2017 Series Dates

May 15th through Sept. 25th

Start Times

The warning signal will be at 1845.


This series will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.

Sailing Instructions

The Sailing Instructions  and any additional documents are available either in the clubhouse or downloadable from this web site. Any changes to the Notice of Race will be incorporated into this online version and posted as a notice to competitors..

The official notice board is in the clubhouse's enclosed porch. Notices will be mirrored on the web site within 24 hours of being posted.

In a Class of its Own

There are no class rules, no measurements are necessary and no certificates are required.

Carrying on from previous years will be the rolling-average handicaps based on a boat's individual performance. It will be recalculated after each race based on performance in previous races. This is of great benefit to the casual cruiser, as you can race your boat as-is without having to conform to an ideal for your boat.

There will be a single start for all boats unless fleet size makes it necessary to have two starts. The split will be determined by lengh overall and published at least a week before it comes into effect. Even if such a split is instituted, all boats will still be ranked as a single fleet using corrected elapsed times.

Spinnakers with a Penalty

Competitors may choose whether or not they wish to fly a spinnaker before each race. Flying a coloured backstay pennant (blue, green or yellow) allows a competitor to use a spinnaker and triggers a one-part-in-thirty handicapping penalty. The handicapping penalty has been found sufficient to not disadvantage boats which never fly a spinnaker.

Time-on-Time Handicapping

Corrected times may be calculated by dividing your elapsed time by your handicap --- published race results will show corrected times relative to the winning boat.

Rolling-average handicaps will be computed using imputed time-on-time handicaps from the previous seven races, excluding the two extremes, then computing the geometric mean of the remaining five.

Time-on-time handicaps are nominally ECPHRF JOG + 500s/mi.. For boats new to the fleet, initial handicaps are actually calculated according to the Monday-night Handicapping Synopsis  document.


Competitors are required to register a week in advance of receiving their initial handicap. Although boats can join the fleet at any time, online registration is needed to have results posted. Please fill in the online registration form and make note of any special circumstances that would influence your handicap.

RC Duty

Any competitor may be called upon to perform RC duties, dates of which will be published well in advance. Comprehensive RC instructions will be available in the on-water kit and ashore from the SPSC web site.

Racing Area




course octagon

The racing area shall be centred at Mark O, 1.4 miles due magnetic north from outside the Pike Creek channel on Lake St. Clair. Marks are 0.65 nautical miles from the centre mark and arrayed in a regular octagon with mark 8 pinned to magnetic north (using magnetic variation of 7.69ºW).

Marks are white can buoys --- even numbered can buoys have an orange top.

We hope to sail up to three long-distance races on suitably windy days. These will use the marks R6, which is a red nun shipping channel buoy, and DP7, which is a green Peche Is. channel buoy.

Start & Finish Area

All courses will start and finish at Mark 4.

Selective Midpoint Scoring

Mondays will use the Selective Midpoint System with a 50% participation requirement. A boat's race score will be the number of boats beaten less the number of boats lost to. This is a signed number that splits the difference between low-point and high-point scoring. A boat's series score will be the average of all the race scores in which she competed.

Rum Trophy

The top three competitors will be engraved on perpetual Rum Trophy which remains on display in the SPSC clubhouse.

Have Fun

Don’t forget that the Monday-night programme is about having fun. All SPSC sailor's should seriously consider competing in at least one race!