Racing 2022 — Notice to Competitors — SPSC Invitational Regatta Amendments to NoR

SPSC Invitational Regatta Amendments to NoR

As of July 12th

Via an Email to the South Port Mailing List

	SPSC Racing Director 
	Fri, Jul 8, 4:51 PM
	to South Port 

	Good afternoon members,

	In an effort to boost participation, the invitational will be held on the
	Saturday only. We’ve already added a couple boat and I’m hoping for more, so if
	you can, visit the SPSC website and register.

Via an Email to the South Port Mailing List

	SPSC Racing Director 
	Mon, Jul 11, 12:01 PM
	to South Port 

	Good afternoon,

	Because the invitational has been changed to a one day event, we've moved
	the time of the first warning signal to 10:45am. It should be a fun day with
	two course races followed by a long distance race.